aRt et utopie ._______sento-me no chão.preparo um espaço.limpo.e.esfrego.a.mente.numa.aflita mais puro espaço__________e traço.a construçã todas as artérias. geométrica e escrupulosamente.ergue-se de arquitectura mansa.em que sinto o sangue______________.proceder.___________________///.________Betty Branco Martins
.__________apEnas._______e sÓ___________...


when an act insane
I give me to the words
your face ... has the flavor of the planets

eternally inscribed
the back of the mirrors
I hug you
I feel you
I love you
syllables within your light blue
as all the scores in the rain in my chest
a heart that beats
only because he loves you ....

© Betty Branco Martins

(acrylic painting of Betty Martins)

. Images et textes d'auteur Betty Branco Martins